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Paul Manafort Acknowledges 'Conflict' Within the Trump Campaign Over Paul Ryan Endorsement

Donald  Trumps campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, acknowledged that “there’s a conflict within the Trump campaign” over the Republican presidential nominee’s hesitation to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin for re-election.
“But Ryan is also running against somebody who’s not going to win but nonetheless is a strong supporter of Mr. Trump’s.” Manafort toldstyle="color: #324fe1; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America.”
In an interview with The Washington Post on Tuesday, Trump refused to endorse for re-election Republicans who have criticized him, such as Ryan and Sen. John McCain of Arizona. He praised Ryan’s GOP primary opponent, Paul Nehlen, for running “a very good campaign.”
“I’m just not quite there yet,” Trump said of backing Ryan.
Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper something similar in May, saying he couldn’t yet support Trump. “I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there right now,” Ryan said. He endorsed Trump in June.


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